
Should You Measure Your Ketone Levels?

We now have a plethora of methods for determining how deep into ketosis we are but do we really need the

m? Is peeing on a stick reliable when it comes to measuring your ketone levels? Well, generally, measuring your ketone levels using different techniques is such a bad idea. I am going to explain these things to you in this article.

In reality, measuring a lot of things in your keto diet will not give you long-term results. It is indeed a psychological nightmare and indeed a bad idea.

We have an article on this website that discusses the topic, “Why is the Scale Your Biggest Enemy While Trying to Lose Weight”. You can check it out if you want to know why measuring isn’t always a good idea. If you really want to change your life, measuring things will probably not get you the results you desire the most.

Is Using P-Sticks Beneficial?

To start, let us tackle one question, why is using P-Sticks not recommended to measure your ketone levels? To those who are not that familiar with this tool, what you’re going to do with it is you pee in it. It is, after all, a crucial tool for disease diagnostics and also health monitoring and screening. It has been around for a very long time.

When you pee on it, you will be informed about your condition using colors, and it will tell you if you have ketones in your urine. It tells you if you are passing ketones. Well, nothing is dangerous about that, especially if you are a healthy individual. However, it does not tell you how many ketones you have in your body though.

For example, if you have a car, the car has a tank of gas, you’re driving down the highway, and I run behind it and go to the exhaust, you can imagine me running behind the car, I put a little measurement tool underneath the exhaust, and it says, “Hey! It changed colors!”

It can be either a trace amount or a big amount. It is telling me that there is gas in the car, but it does not tell me how much gas is in the car, how long the car is going to go for with this fuel amount, and it also tells me if it is dumping a lot of gas out of the exhaust or just a little bit.

So, a trace amount means that it is just dumping a little bit. There are two possible reasons why, If it goes to the purple color, it tells me that it is dumping a lot of ketones.

So when your body pees out of ketones, it is basically because of two reasons. First, you are not absorbing them well. Meaning, your body loves ketones. They are a very superior fuel source, that is why your body is embracing them very well.

To sum it up, it is either because you are not absorbing them very well. Or, it is because you have a lot in your system, it’s just extra, and it does not need them. Those are the, indeed, the two reasons.

A lot of times, when people first start the ketogenic diet or start drinking our product, which is the Keto Nat, what happens is that their body is not good at absorbing it and it can take up to 6 weeks, which is what we call keto-adaptation. It takes a little bit more time.

Moreover, your body might not be using the fuel as well and it pees it out. So you might notice that when you first start, you might see that the color shifts a lot.

But, if you have been low-carb, relatively healthy, and if you are exercising a lot, there is a good chance that your body likes ketones and it keeps them. In comparison, based on the illustration we used earlier, the car is not trying to waste the fuel of the exhaust, instead, it is keeping them.

So, if you pee on the P-Stick and you are like, “well, it just says trace!”. But, if you have enhanced energy, focus, better mood, you lose weight, you feel great and awesome, well, that will already tell you that your body is keeping the ketones very well, and it is not about peeing them out. So, that is a good thing, and indeed, that would be what you really want!

Therefore, you have to be careful, because when you start looking at measurement tools like P-Sticks, people will say things like, “I am doing awesome! I’m in the purple zone!” or, “I am not doing so good! I am in the light pink zone!”.

But if you are going to ask them how they feel, the one that says he is doing awesome will say that he does not feel any difference in his body and condition, while the one that is in the light pink zone will say that he feels great!

The point is, because of the psychological effect that the measurement tools give, they are thinking that their efforts are not working. Because, indeed, measurement tools such as these P-Sticks are very inaccurate in terms of measuring your ketone levels. It is not a good idea; do not recommend using them.

You can use measurement tools but on a regular basis, For example, you can use it the first week of your keto diet. After that, throw them away and never use them again.

Other Ways of Measuring Ketones That I Do Not Recommend

There are two other ways to measure your ketone levels. One of those is a blood meter, which is way more accurate, but still, I don’t recommend it. To use it, you can prick your finger, a clean needle will poke it to get a small amount of your blood. It’s a very expensive way of measuring your ketone levels. However, it can also shift and change very quickly.

The other one is a breath meter. This one uses a bit of a crazy formula. When you breathe into it, it converts and tells you what your ketone levels are, and it is actually getting more accurate these days.

The challenge is if you drink our amazing product, which is the Keto Nat when you are in a form of beta-hydroxybutyrate, you are not going to see a huge breath meter shift in it. But, you may not see a huge shift in it and it may not be a good indicator of what your blood ketone levels are, which is actually what you’re looking for if you’re going to measure it.


If you’re measuring ketone levels, know that P-Sticks is a really bad idea. Blood meters can be somehow superior but I still won’t recommend it. Breath meters can be accurate but not all the time.

But, remember this, if you are drinking Keto Nat, you won’t have to measure anything. Just commit to the journey, at least six weeks for keto-adaptation, and indeed, you’re going to get better results without using any measurement tools.