
Best ๐Ÿ‘ Low Carb Mashed Potatoes Ever ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

  • Certainly! Here's a simple low-carb mashed "potato" recipe using rutabaga:


    - 2 medium-sized rutabagas, peeled and cubed

    - 2 cloves garlic, minced

    - 2 tablespoons butter or olive oil

    - Salt and pepper to taste

    - Optional: Fresh herbs (such as chives or parsley) for garnish


    1. Peel the rutabagas and cut them into small cubes.

    2. Boil the rutabaga cubes in a pot of salted water until they're tender (usually around 15-20 minutes).

    3. Drain the rutabaga cubes thoroughly and return them to the pot.

    4. In the same pot, add minced garlic, butter (or olive oil), salt, and pepper to the drained rutabagas.

    5. Use a potato masher or a hand blender to mash and mix the rutabagas until they reach your desired consistency. For a smoother texture, you can use a blender or food processor.

    6. Adjust the seasoning if necessary and garnish with fresh herbs if desired before serving.

    This low-carb alternative provides a similar texture to mashed potatoes with a slight hint of sweetness from the rutabagas. Enjoy your low-carb "mashed potatoes"!

    The total carbohydrates in a serving of mashed rutabaga can vary based on the size of the rutabagas and the serving size. On average, a cup of mashed rutabaga (approximately 240 grams) contains around 17-18 grams of total carbohydrates, with about 4 grams of fiber. This would result in roughly 13-14 grams of net carbs per cup of mashed rutabaga. However, it's essential to consider the specific measurements and quantities used in your recipe to calculate the carbohydrates accurately per serving.